
Frequently Asked Qustions


What is Inertial Motion Capture?

Inertial Motion Capture[17] technology is based on miniature inertial sensors, biomechanical models and sensor fusion algorithms. The motion data of the inertial sensors (inertial guidance system) is often transmitted wirelessly to a computer, where the motion is recorded or viewed. Most inertial systems use inertial measurement units (IMUs) containing a combination of gyroscope, magnetometer, and accelerometer, to measure rotational rates. These rotations are translated to a skeleton in the software.

Much like optical markers, the more IMU sensors the more natural the data. No external cameras, emitters or markers are needed for relative motions, although they are required to give the absolute position of the user if desired. Inertial motion capture systems capture the full six degrees of freedom body motion of a human in real-time.


Can absolute position be tracked with the Smartsuit Pro?

The Smartsuit Pro gives you relative position based on your starting position and your straight pose (calibration).

If you need absolute position tracking, you can combine the Smartsuit Pro with Valve’s Lighthouse optical system and HTC Vive Trackers. This sometimes requires expert knowledge and workthrough.


Can I see a live Demo?

We would love to give a demonstration for the SmartSuit Pro to you and your team. We run Demonstration Days which are usually by invitation only. If you are interested, drop us a Line.

If  you are project ready and need to test the services, we can set up a private demo at your office or studio with your technical team and performer. Depending on your location, there may be travel costs required for us to get to your location and back.

The private demo is usually an hour long and it is best to have a scene breakdown of the performance, we’ll help you choose an appropriate motion to capture and on completion, after a standard NDA, we’ll give you the performance capture file for free, strictly for testing and evaluating purposes. 


when is a good time for us to come on board for your project?

We strongly recommend getting us involved in the Pre-Production Stage. This is the time when the crux of the project is being dealt with and every department works together to get the best outcomes.

Once we know the producer, director, animator, VFX lead, Performers, we will be in a better position to help you get the best results including training your performers for the desired actions, doing the test capture, Pre-Vis, Production day, Technical Direction while the director focuses of the bigger picture, Working with the Post Production team for delivery.

Get in touch with us at an early stage, even if its just an idea, the more we know about your project, the better we can help.


Do you cover all of New Zealand?

Short Answer: YES!

We cover Auckland to Invercargill and most places in between*.

As we are based in Dunedin starting July 2019, we can come out to your location in Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, Queenstown, Invercargill, or most places in between to help you  acquire professional performance motion capture at your location with your actor performers.

*Travel, Accommodation charges apply extra per day of booking to be confirmed during invoice. If your location is not Dunedin, Contact Us to discuss further.


What are the benefits of inertial motion capture?

Benefits of using Inertial systems include: capturing in a variety of environments including tight spaces, no solving, portability, and large capture areas.

They can accurately measure the direction to the ground to within a degree. The popularity of inertial systems is rising amongst independent game developers, filmmakers, animators, virtual cinematographers and more, mainly because of the quick and easy set up resulting in a fast pipeline.


What is the accuracy of the system?

The rotational dynamic accuracy of a system is +/- 1.5deg. The displacement accuracy is based on the rotational accuracy and the kinematics of the body model. The bit rate of the Smartsuit Pro is 915.2 kbps at 100 frames per second.

What are the uses of the motion capture data?

The data captured using the Smartsuit can be used in a number of applications including Game Development, Animation, Pre-Vis, Post-Vis, Film Making, Stunt Training, Stage Combat, Sports Bio-Mechanical Analysis, Physiotherapy, Medicine, VFX, VR, AR, Theatre, Dance, and lots more.

can i hire the smartsuit as a dry hire?

The simple answer is NO! We do not offer dry hire, hiring of equipment without the technical director. We are not a Hire Company, this is the capital investment that we want to be able to use for many years to come.

You can book our Motion Capture Services as a pure record and deliver service with a minimum of half day (4 hours) or as long as required for your production.


why do i need you, i'll just buy the suit?

That is great you are considering purchasing your own smartsuit and getting into the exciting world of performance capture. We can help you with the setup, training, guidance along the way to get the most out of your purchase.

Some questions to ask yourself: How many suits do you need? How many times will you use the suits? Are you offering performance capture service? Are the suits solely for the use of your studio projects? What is the ROI after purchasing the suits? Who will maintain and train in the technology? Will you purchase 1, 2, 3 or more of each suit size to cover all performer shapes (XL, L, M, S) ?

We are specialists in this field and understand the needs and requirements of studios big and small. We are here to be your technology partners, to bring you the best out of the performance capture sessions. We understand Body Motion Dynamics, from the perspective of Film, Game, Animation Martial Arts, Combat Training, Sports and more. You’ll get better value working with us than just buying the equipment.

What We Can Do For You

There are a lot of applications for the motion performance capture in various industries including but not limited to Film, Game, Animation, Sports, Medicine, Tourism, Commercials, Broadcast, Cinematography, Banking, AR / VR, Theatre and lots more.

You need to experience first hand the technology that gives you the power of Hollywood Productions for a fraction of the cost. Let’s have a chat

Still Have Questions? Get In Touch!

No question is silly, no project too big or too small, that is what we learned from our years of experience in the industry. Drop us a line and tell us about your project, ideas, and let’s capture your imagination in real-time.